JordanCon Memberships

Want to attend JordanCon? These memberships are your ticket to join us in April! When you join our community, you gain access to a world of unique experiences, insider perks, and a front-row seat to all the excitement. Elevate your event experience, and be part of the ultimate gathering of enthusiasts. Don’t miss out – sign up today and be at the heart of the action!

JordanCon Pre-Con Merch

Welcome to the Pre-Con Merchandise Store, your one-stop destination for all things convention-related! Dive into a treasure trove of exclusive merchandise that celebrates your favorite convention and fandom. From limited-edition collectibles and stylish apparel to unique accessories and art prints, we’ve curated a selection that’s as diverse as the conventions themselves. These products can be ordered in an advance and can be picked up at the convention when you arrive!

JordanCon On Demand Swag

Welcome to our On-Demand Print-to-Order Store. From custom apparel and home decor to promotional items and more, the possibilities are endless. Experience the convenience and freedom of order-on-demand, where you can order swag before or after the convention and have it shipped right to your home!

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