JordanCon 2024

JordanCon is a Science Fiction/Fantasy literature convention founded in honor of Robert Jordan, author of the Wheel of Time. Taking place each April in Atlanta, GA, JordanCon is a tax exempt 501(c)(4) non-profit organization, whose proceeds benefit the Mayo Clinic.

It’s time to start the countdown to JordanCon 2025!

Mark your calendars for April 25–27, 2025, for the 17th annual JordanCon: The Con of Ravens. Start planning now so you can shake a tailfeather at the dance party. (How many people in all black will it take to make an unkindness of ravens?)

Literary Guest of Honor: Sheree Renee Thomas
Artist Guest of Honor: Oksana Nedavniaya
Toastmaster: Gerald L. Coleman

Watch the JordanCon social media (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram), Discord channel, and blog for important announcements and fun information about the upcoming JordanCon.

We’re so looking forward to welcoming you home in 2025!


Membership sales are now open!

In addition, we have a bundle of goodies you can preorder, along with individual options for the shirt and anthology.

All the items will be available to pickup at the con!

Blog Posts

JordanCon 2022 Covid Exposure Update

JordanCon 2022 Covid Exposure Update

We have now had multiple attendees report positive Covid test results. Thank you all for doing your best to follow our safety procedures, which hopefully helped to limit exposure. With these reports, it is likely safe to say that all areas of the event had some...

The Biggest JordanCon Ever!

The Biggest JordanCon Ever!

For the first time in JordanCon’s storied history, we have sold out! While our experienced staff is prepared for hosting this many people, there will inevitably be some challenges. We want this to be a great experience for everyone involved.  That said, this post is...

ChariTuesday – The One With Henna

ChariTuesday – The One With Henna

And now, a special message from our Director of Charity Events, Jeff “Hopper” Bernard: ♫♪Something's happening here. What it is, is actually clear. There’s a lady with some ink over there. Sayin' she’ll do henna tattoos (for charity!) this year.♪♫ Our resident henna...

ChariTuesday – The One With The Script Cover

ChariTuesday – The One With The Script Cover

If you've perused our 32 Auctions page and are like me, then you already have way more stuff on your wish list than you can afford. Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we're about to put an even heavier strain on your wallet. Amazon's The Wheel of Time...

JordanCon COVID-19 Guidelines

JordanCon COVID-19 Guidelines

COVID-19 Guidelines We've gotten a lot of questions recently about our Covid policies and precautions,  so we wanted to highlight that here. You can also find these policies, and a lot of other helpful information, on our JordanCon 2022 FAQ page. To mitigate the risks...

ChariTuesday – Ready, Set, BID!

ChariTuesday – Ready, Set, BID!

A message from our Director of Charity Events, Jeff "Hopper" Bernard: Already this year, we've seen quite a bit of interest in the Charity Auction. We have some amazing items so far and are expecting quite a bit more. The profound interest you all have shown is...

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