JordanCon is a Science Fiction/Fantasy literature convention founded in honor of Robert Jordan, author of the Wheel of Time. Taking place each April in Atlanta, GA, JordanCon is a tax exempt 501(c)(4) non-profit organization, whose proceeds benefit the Mayo Clinic.
It’s time to start the countdown to JordanCon 2025!
Mark your calendars for April 25–27, 2025, for the 17th annual JordanCon: The Con of Ravens. Start planning now so you can shake a tailfeather at the dance party. (How many people in all black will it take to make an unkindness of ravens?)
Literary Guest of Honor: Sheree Renee Thomas
Artist Guest of Honor: Oksana Nedavniaya
Toastmaster: Gerald L. Coleman
Watch the JordanCon social media (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram), Discord channel, and blog for important announcements and fun information about the upcoming JordanCon.
We’re so looking forward to welcoming you home in 2025!
Membership sales are now open!
In addition, we have a bundle of goodies you can preorder, along with individual options for the shirt and anthology.
All the items will be available to pickup at the con!
Blog Posts

The Author’s Workshops Track!
The Author’s Workshops Track is running with two old favorites for the writers at JordanCon! First, the Friday Night Workshop is back! Writers, we’ll take your 1000 word or less submissions starting in February, and then in April we’ll meet up at JordanCon and get...

The JordanCon 2024 Anthology Call for Submissions (Stories and Art)
Calling all Authors and Artists! The JordanCon 2024 Anthology Submissions are now open! Every year JordanCon publishes an Anthology featuring guests and attendees of the convention. All proceeds from the sale of the anthology go toward supporting the JordanCon...

Tips & Tricks for the Introvert Author
by Mel Todd Hi! Welcome to the annual meeting of the “We Write So We Don’t Have to Talk To People” association. Wow, so many of you came. I see three attendees! That has to be a record. It’s great you showed up as I have some wonderful tips for those of you (all of...

2023 JordanCon Costume Contest
2023 JordanCon Costume Contest registration is open! We will be taking sign ups for this year's contest until 1 PM Saturday, April 22 or until all entry slots are full. I'll post the rules below, but they are also included in our registration form. If you have any...

JordanCon Young Artists
We have exciting news for all of JordanCon's young artists! This year, the Art Show has designated a panel specifically for the kids of JordanCon. Anyone under the age of 18 can submit their art to be displayed during the event. Here are the details: The artist must...

The Yearly Brawl
This year we’re doing something a bit different for Friday night at JordanCon. We know many of you love karaoke, and we do too! But this year is our 15th anniversary, and we wanted to do something special. In the Wheel of Time series our very own JordanCon founders,...

Science Fiction and Fantasy Goes Mainstream
By Kyoko M. When I was a kid, I was teased a lot for being an avid reader of books and comic books/graphic novels/manga. At the time, comic books, graphic novels, and manga were only for the nerdy and geeky crowd. It was a tough time, but as the decades passed, the...

Welcome Home
By Sarah J. Sover Whenever a new member joins the online JordanCon community, there’s inevitably a slew of comments saying “Welcome home.” For those unfamiliar with the convention scene, it might seem odd or downright off-putting. How can a science fiction and fantasy...

Breaking Three Writing Rules
By October K Santerelli Building a positive relationship with your writing can make all the difference in helping someone with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Autism Spectrum Condition/Disorder (ASC/D). I’m no stranger to the "rules" authors post...

Four Super-Easy Lessons for Writing Humor
By Kevin Pettway Writing humor into your book can make an already difficult task even harder. Like running one of those races where you have to jump over the little gate-thingies only instead of shoes you’re wearing hot dogs on your feet? I don’t know sports. That...