Guests of Honor

Wesley Chu Guest of Honor 2023

Michael Livingston

Author Guest of Honor

Michael Livingston, PhD, FRHistS, LtC (UMSC), is the author of ORIGINS OF THE WHEEL OF TIME, a behind-the-scenes look at the life, work, and worlds of Robert Jordan. He is also an award-winning conflict analyst who combines an international reputation as a scholar of pre-modern military history with a career as both a novelist and a media personality. Distinguished Professor at The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina, he presently serves as the Secretary-General of the United States Commission for Military History.


Artist Guest of Honor

Mark Poole

Artist Guest of Honor

Mark Poole is a world wide award winning and displaying artist, working primarily in oils. Mark made a career in the illustration industry for over 25 years. Currently, Mark is concentrating on his personal visions of imaginative realism. His oil paintings cross subtle landscapes of dreams with emotional journey.



Special Guest

Special Guest Guy Roberts

Guy Roberts can be seen as fan favorite Uno Nomesta in Amazon/SONY’s smash-hit TV Series THE WHEEL OF TIME created by Rafe Judkins. Guy is the Founder and Artistic Director of Prague Shakespeare Company, the professional English-language theatre of the Czech Republic, now celebrating its 17th season. Guy is currently directing and appearing in (alongside Wheel of Time favorites Taylor Napier and Jessica Boone) a new co-production of Hamlet sponsored by the Creative EU Fund, and produced by Prague Shakespeare Company, the Bremer Shakespeare Company, and the Odesa Ukrainian Academic Music and Drama Theatre named after Vasyl Vasylko. Guy is married to the actress Jessica Boone and is the proud father of Isabella, Rohan, and Landon.

JordanCon Guests

John F Allen

John F. Allen is an American author/writer and visual artist born in Indianapolis, IN. He is a founding and active member of the Speculative Fiction Guild, an active member of Sisters in Crime – Speed City Chapter, where he serves on the board of directors, and he is an active member of the Indiana Writers Center, where he serves as a faculty member and teaches various classes on the writing craft.

John began writing short stories early in his childhood and has pursued various forms of writing throughout his career. His debut novel, The God Killers was published in 2013, followed by a spin-off novella series titled, Codename: Knight Ranger.

John’s short stories have been featured in such acclaimed collections as Trajectories by Hydra Publications, Black Pulp II by Pro Se Productions, and Spyfunk! by MVMedia. Some of which are featured in his collection, The Best is Yet to Come which is currently published by Hydra Publications, along with The God Killers, Codename: Knight Ranger and Codename: Knight Ranger – The God Particle Conspiracy.

He also penned the novelization of respected screenwriter, Demetrius Witherspoon’s short film, Submerge: Echo 51.

John currently resides in Indianapolis, Indiana and is married to an amazing woman named Mia. Between them they have seven adult children and eleven grandchildren. He is the creator of OG NERDS and serves as an administrator for the Facebook Community, which caters to nerds of a certain age (40+), but welcomes ALL nerds (18+).

Bill Bridges

Bill Bridges is a writer and game designer most known for developing White Wolf’s World of Darkness and the Fading Suns science-fiction universe.

Gerald L Coleman

Gerald L. Coleman is a philosopher, theologian, poet, and Science Fiction & Fantasy author. He did his undergraduate work in philosophy, english, and religious studies, followed by a master’s degree in Theology. He is the author of the Epic Fantasy novel series, The Three Gifts, which currently includes, When Night Falls (Book One), A Plague of Shadows (Book Two), and the upcoming When Chaos Reigns (Book Three). His speculative fiction has appeared in: The Cyberfunk Anthology: The City, the Roaring Lion Anthology: Rococoa, the Urban Fantasy Anthology: Terminus and Terminus 2, the 2019 JordanCon Anthology: You Want Stories?, Dark Universe: Bright Empire, Cyberfunk! by MVMedia, the JordanCon 2022 Anthology: Neither Endings Nor Beginnings, Whether Change: The Revolution Will Be Weird, and the upcoming World Fantasy Award winning Year’s Best African Speculative Fiction (2022). His essays appear in the polish language Con-Magazine: KONwersacje, Apex Magazine 127, and the Hugo nominated Fanzine: Journey Planet.

He has been a Guest Author at DragonCon, Boskone, Blacktasticon, JordanCon, Atlanta Science Fiction & Fantasy Expo, SOBSFCon, The Outer Dark Symposium, World Horror Con, Imaginarium, Multiverse, Weird Bites, NECON, and a Guest Poet/Lecturer at Berea College, University of Kentucky, Centre College (Governor’s School), Transylvania University, Western Carolina University, UNC Charlotte, Florissant College, Kenyon College, the Carnegie Center for Literacy and Learning, and the Martin Luther King Jr. Cultural Center.

He is a Scholastic National Writing Juror, a Co-founder of the Affrilachian Poets, an SFWA member, a Rhysling Award Nominee, and a Fellow at the Black Earth Institute. His newest releases include a collection of SF&F short stories entitled, From Earth and Sky, and a collection of poems and micro-essays entitled On the Black Hand Side. You can find him at

Milton J Davis

Milton Davis is an award winning Black Speculative fiction author and owner of MVmedia, LLC, a publishing company specializing in Science Fiction and Fantasy based on African/African Diaspora history, culture, and traditions. Milton is the author of twenty-six novels and short story collections and editor/coeditor of ten anthologies. His short stories have appeared in several anthologies and magazines, most notably Black Panther: Tales of Wakanda, and Obsidian Literature and Arts in the African Diaspora. Milton was also nominated for the 2017 and 2020 British Science Fiction Association Award for Short Fiction He is a recipient of the 2022 East Coast Black Age of Comics Convention Pioneer Lifetime Achievement Award.

Sargon Donabed

Sargon George Donabed is a father, son, brother and husband. He is writer and holds a PhD in Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations from the University of Toronto and a post-graduate degree in Anthrozoology/Animal Studies. Currently, he is also a professor of history and cultural studies at Roger Williams University and his focus consists of indigenous and marginalized communities as well as cultural continuity, storytelling, wonder, and re-enchantment. Most recently, his studies have centered on re-enchantment through myth and panentheism. He is the creator and editor for the book series Alternative Histories: Narratives from the Middle East and Mediterranean. Donabed is also published in a variety of journals from Folklore to National Identities and the International Journal of Middle East Studies and is the author of Reforging a Forgotten History: Iraq and the Assyrians in the 20th Century (Edinburgh University Press, 2015). He is an expert on Assyrian-Mesopotamian culture and currently penning two fantasy series; an epic fantasy entitled Of Beasts and Mischief: The Unremembered and a midgrade/YA tale Scion of the Ancients, an alternate reality/timeline based on the epic of Gilgamesh.

Elara Dunn

Elara Dunn lives in Marietta, Georgia with her husband and twin daughters. She is an accomplished fiber artist, specializing in weaving.

While participating in GISHWHES, Dunn realized the magnitude of the long-term effects bullying had on herself and others, shaping her into a fierce ally for those who deal with emotional and physical abuse. The idea of writing a book series centered around bullied kids came to her in a fever dream.

Dunn has always been interested in how other people live and has studied different cultures and religions. Understanding and embracing both our differences and commonalities has been a driving force in her life. She is a passionate civil rights advocate and volunteers assisting others with disabilities.

In her spare time, Dunn enjoys board games, trivia, and cosplay. She is an avid watcher of Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune. She hopes one day to own a red Plymouth Fury and order one of everything at the diner.

Alexander G R Gideon

Alexander Gideon’s writing style can best be described by the phrase “and many people died”. He’s a multi-genre author of Historical Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Sci-fi, and Horror. As an optician, he’s also more than happy to put you in the perfect glasses to read his work! Learn more about the Pansexual Librarian Wizard at, be sure to Read as Thou Will!

Twitter: @AlexanderGideon
TikTok: Gideon, 💗💛💙 Librarian Wizard

Rob Grimoire

Aspiring wizard Rob Gilmore is a father, husband, nurse, author, musician, and fan of all things SFF (well, not all things, but most). As one of the co-hosts and founders of the podcast Glitchy Pancakes, and assistant director at MultiverseCon in Atlanta, his main goal is to share his love for fandom with the world. As his Alter Ego Fox Curly, he takes on the evils of the world, The Potato Consortium, and his arch nemesis The Floridaman. After a long day, hits the Salty Smelt pub for a cup of Oolong tea. Pronouns: he/him. “You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right. I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear.” – Rosa Parks

Ris Harp

Ris Harp (they/them) is a disabled multiethnic artist, writer, performer, and YouTuber from Durham, NC. They create art in various forms influenced by Deaf culture, disability, street art, and Shakespeare.


SM Hillman

SM Hillman is a writer of speculative fiction and a designer of rpgs. He resides in Atlanta where he has been active as a convention volunteer since 2016.


Esther Jones

Esther is the owner of Impulsive Walrus Books, and the co-author of the Gift of Grace series and many other short stories with her husband, Frog. Esther has always loved creating fantastical stories, characters, and paintings. She loves cooking good food, watching k-dramas, and puttering around killing plants in her garden, if she’s not already too busy killing her characters.

Kritter XD

Kritter XD is a content creator and cosplayer who can be found on most social media platforms (including TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, and X). She primarily does fantasy content, with an emphasis on The Wheel of Time, The Lord of the Rings, and The Cosmere. She was a panelist on Inside The Wheel of Time, the official after-show of The Wheel of Time Season 1, and she is a co-host of The Wheel & Chill Show, a fantasy and pop culture stream which airs live on her YouTube and Twitch channels most Mondays.

TikTok: KritterXD
YouTube: KritterXD
Instagram: Kritter_XD
X: @egwene_al_vere
X: @kritterxd

Sarah A Macklin

Sarah A. Macklin is a writer born and raised just outside of Columbia, SC. Her first journey into storytelling was when she made up soap opera worthy dramas for her dolls. She caught the writing bug at ten and has been jotting down her ideas ever since. Some of them have even become published works like her debut novel, The Royal Heretic.

In addition to writing, she’s an artist, a comic creator, a fantasy mapmaker, an avid home cook, and a seamstress at home and at her day job. She hasn’t met a craft that she won’t learn. When not exercising her creative muscle, you can find her watching comedies with her husband and daughters.

Instagram: sarah_macklin

Kaylee Makes

From leatherworking to watercolors, Kaylee Makes is an enthusiastic and excellent Cosplay crafter. She is from Dallas, Texas and specializes in hand made costumes. Kaylee often portrays literary characters from Fantasy and Si-fi books and is most inspired by the works for Brandon Sanderson.

Kaylee has won notable cosplay awards as Vin Venture, from The Mistborn Saga and as Bridge Four Syl, from The Stormlight Archive. Kaylee is blurring the lines between art and engineering with animated LEDs built into props and garments. Also inspired by The Stormlight Archive, Kaylee has incorporated gorgeous illumination into her incredible Mayalaran Shardblade and Kohlin family Shardplate – all made by hand.

With grit and problem solving, Kaylee revels in crafting on hard mode. But sharing the skills she has learned with others is a true delight. With knowledge encompassing sewing, electronics, resin crafting, painting, jewelry making, and foam smithing, she’s got quite a library of skills that Kaylee is delighted to share. Join with Kaylee on an inspirational and encouraging creative journey. You can conquer your most ambitious crafting projects too!
@kayleemakescrafts (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube)

Ben Meeks

Ben grew up in Dahlonega, the biggest small town in the North Georgia mountains. He spent his childhood appreciating nature and as he grew older was able to have a wide variety of unusual and exciting experiences. Ben was able to travel internationally, including Europe and India. He participated in, and won, a martial arts competition, was hit by a ricocheting bullet, and was in a high speed car chase. He also received a late night phone call from the secret service, who he hung up on.

Ben appreciates fantasy and scifi in all forms with a particular fondness for shifters. He excels at creative, outside the box thinking combined with a drive toward realism that gives his work a unique feel. He wrote the award winning urban fantasy Trilogy, The Keeper Chronicles, about a wereotter that hunts demons in the North Georgia Mountains.

Marshall J Moore

Marshall J. Moore is the author of the cozy fantasy novel Son of a Sailor: A Cozy Pirate Tale, the high fantasy trilogy The Rites of Resurrection, and over thirty published short stories. His story “Red Lanterns” won Second Place in the 2022 Baen Fantasy Adventure Award Short Story Contest. An active member of SFWA, he can be found on TikTok at @marshalljmooreauthor, where he gives writing advice, discusses recent reads, and does book scavenger hunts in local bookstores.

Ellie Raine

Artist, Autism Advocate, and Writer’s Digest award-winning fantasy author Ellie Raine is a voracious BookWyrm when it comes to epic adventures, detailed world-building, and thrilling battles. Fueled by coffee-bean concoctions brewed by the finest caffeine alchemists in the kingdom of Atlanta, Georgia, she only emerges from the depths of these daring tales when she is summoned back to the physical realm to spend time with her brood.

Her high fantasy series, the NecroSeam Chronicles, has won several awards including First Place in Fantasy for Writer’s Digest, a Silver Medal for Readers’ Favorite International Book Awards, and additional awards from Readers’ Favorite and the Book Excellence Awards. Her other works include the paranormal noir titled Nightingale: The Grudges of Gods, the short story titled Ravensong featured in the Jordan Con 2023 Anthology, and a children’s illustration book titled Ballad of the Ice Fairy. ​

She is a lover of ravens and a dreamer of dragons, but above all else, she is a scribe to the stories that guide her.
Instagram: @necroseam
TikTok: @aizelleraine

William Joseph Roberts

In a previous lifetime, William Joseph Roberts was an F-15 mechanic and Staff Sergeant in the United States Air Force. He has traveled the world and experienced many things in his few years. He has been called a Jack of all trades, a Renaissance man, and an insane squirrel wrangler by his peers.

Since his enlistment ended, he has pursued careers as an industrial and architectural designer, design engineer, and is now an award-winning author, editor, and publisher with Three Ravens Publishing.

M M Schill

M. M. Schill resides in North Florida. She is an artist, a writer, victim’s rights activist, and martial artist. M.M. is also a tentacle (associated editor) at Pseudopod, a pro-market, short horror story podcast.

G R Theron

G.R. Theron is a Pacific Northwest based fantasy author, panelist, and member of the Mythopoeic Society. He is the host of Northwest Speculative, a monthly sci-fi and fantasy reading series. Educated at the University of Washington as an Ancient Historian and Classicist, his work often draws upon classical themes and mythos.

He cherishes the best writing advice he ever received from his grandfather; the truth should never get in the way of a good story.

Follow him at for more information.

Mia Tsai

Mia Tsai is a Taiwanese American author of speculative fiction. Her debut novel, a xianxia-inspired contemporary fantasy titled Bitter Medicine, was published by Tachyon Publications in March of 2023.

She lives in Atlanta with her family, and, when not writing, is a hype woman for her orchids, her cat, and her dog. Her favorite things include music of all kinds and taking long trips with nothing but the open road and a saucy rhythm section.

In her other lives, Mia is a professional musician, photographer, and editor. She is a copy editor and proofreader, a submissions editor at the Nebula-nominated SFF magazine GigaNotoSaurus, and in May of 2023, guest edited the wuxia and xianxia special issue of Strange Horizons.


Judy Black

Judy Black is a writer who makes her home in Atlanta, Ga. She loves games, books, cats, and most things with caffeine. She’s an Ennie-nominated writer of Dungeons and Dragons modules.

Paige L Christie

Paige L. Christie is best known for the Legacies of Arnan epic fantasy series, and her work can be found in several collections, including Galactic Stew, Witches Warriors & Wise Women, and several More Tales of Valdemar anthologies.

Joe Compton

Joe Compton is an Indie Author of The Duality of Truth Crime Trilogy, and the coming soon Epic Fantasy Series Fragility. He is also an Indie Filmmaker that’s worked on over 40+ independent TV and Film productions in 5 different countries. Joe worked 18 months as a Script Doctor/Consultant in Hollywood and as an instructor at the Speculative Fiction Academy teaching different Screenwriting classes. Since 2106 Joe runs the Online Network Go Indie Now, which highlights, supports, and promotes Indie Artists of all art disciplines through various shows that air on a weekly, monthly, and seasonal basis.

Cecilia Dominic

By day, clinical psychologist Cecilia Dominic helps people cure their insomnia. By night, this USA Today bestselling urban fantasy and steampunk author writes fiction that keeps her readers turning pages past bedtime. She prefers the term “versatile” to “conflicted” and has been published in short story and novel-length fiction as well as nonfiction. She lives in Atlanta, Georgia, with her husband and cat.

Patrick Dugan

Patrick is the author of the award-winning Darkest Storm Series published by Falstaff Books. Other titles include Stone Cold Witch, Never Steal From Dragons, The Shadow Blade Chronicles, and Watchers of Astaria series from Distracted Dragon Press. Other publications include Fairy Films: Wee Folk on the Big Screen, a collection of fairy essays from Educated Dragon Publishing. Patrick is a member of SFWA. Patrick resides in Charlotte, NC with his wife, two children and their spunky Cavalier King Charles, Blaze. In his spare time, he’s a PC gamer, homebrewer, 3D printer enthusiast, and DIYer. You can usually find him in the Hearthstone Tavern or wandering Azeroth as a Blood Elf Warlock in the evenings. You can find out more at

Barbara V Evers

Barbara V. Evers is the author of THE WATCHERS OF MONIAH epic fantasy trilogy as well as several short stories and essays. From the mysterious Dark Corner of South Carolina, she crafts fantasy stories with strong women matriarchies and unusually gifted and clever animals. A two-time Imadjinn Best Fantasy Novelist, she’s won several awards for her writing over the years including a Pushcart Prize nomination.

Barbara is a supporter and advocate for animal conservation and seeks to educate others about endangered species. The giraffes in THE WATCHERS OF MONIAH are no longer endangered, but giraffes in our world are suffering a silent extinction. As an advocate, Barbara contributes a portion of her royalties to support the work of The Giraffe Conservation Foundation. When she’s not writing, Barbara uses her degrees in Zoology and Communication to conduct training workshops for businesses. Maybe she really can speak to animals!

Any other time, she can be found herding her husband, two grandchildren, and her rescue dog, Roxy (but don’t tell them).

Vanessa Giunta

Venessa Giunta is a writer of weird things, an editrix extraordinaire, and a little bit of a nerd. She is a published author, with non-fiction essays, short stories, and the urban fantasy Soul Cavern Series, and has been a professional editor, both freelance and contract, since 2008. Conventions are a big part of her life, mainly as a guest and organizer. She is the Senior Programming Director for Multiverse and second to the director of the Writers Track at Dragon Con, both in Atlanta, and has been a guest and volunteer at many others. Additionally, Venessa runs a writerly support group called The Writers’ Troupe (formerly The Writing Tribe) on Facebook, Discord, and Twitch.

She’s been called the sort of evil that inspires hugs.

Re Gwaltney

Re (‘Ray’) Gwaltney is a lifelong writer and analyst of the Fantasy and Horror genres obsessed with vivid worlds, compelling characters, and unputdownable narratives–especially those involving LGBT+ or disability. They grew up in the Piedmont of North Carolina, where they went to school for a Bachelor of Social Work. They still live in the Raleigh-Durham area with their family, spending their non-writing time gaming, raising dogs, and voraciously consuming every mote of information in their reach.

After developing POTS as a teenager, Re coped with their new normal by feeding their mind with fantasy of all kinds—novels, television, movies, or video games. When they first realized that anyone can put their words to paper, a fire sparked that couldn’t be stopped. In 2022, Re won the Don Hodge Memorial Scholarship to attend Superstars Writing Seminars. Their debut short story Feast of the Old Hag is featured in Camden Park Press’ October 2023 Anthology, They Hunt by Night.
tiktok: @reg_writes
instagram: regwaltney

Aleksandra (Ola) Hill

Aleksandra (Ola) Hill is a Polish-Canadian writer of speculative fiction across all subgenres; her short fiction has been published or is forthcoming in Analog Magazine, LeVar Burton Reads, Writer’s Digest, and others. She’s also the founder and publisher of the Hugo-nominated and IGNYTE-winning khōréō magazine, which publishes speculative fiction by immigrant and diaspora writers. She earned an MFA in fiction and nonfiction writing from The New School, is an alumna of the Odyssey Writing Workshop, and (in her past life) earned a PhD in computational biology from Columbia University. She lives in NYC with her mischevious puppy Virgil, her spouse, and far too many books.

James A Hunter

James Hunter is a full-time Inkslinger and the bestselling author of Vigil Bound, Rogue Dungeon, Shadowcroft Academy, and the LitRPG epic Viridian Gate Online! In addition to writing, James also runs Shadow Alley Press, a publishing company that specializes in LitRRP, Gamelit, and Progression Fantasy.

Frog Jones

Frog Jones has been an author for ten years and an editor for five. He and his wife have co-authored the critically acclaimed Gift of Grace series, and together they run Impulsive Walrus Books. He is a talented short-story artist, with countless published shorts in a large variety of forums, including Baen Books’ Straight Outta Deadwood. He is the editor of the underground smash hit Well, It’s Your Cow as well as Cthulhu FhCon! and Socially Distant: The Quarantales.

Kyoko M.

Kyoko M is a USA Today bestselling author and a fangirl. She is the author of The Black Parade urban fantasy series and the Of Cinder and Bone science-fiction series. The Black Parade has been reviewed by Publishers Weekly and New York Times bestselling author Ilona Andrews.

Of Cinder and Bone placed in the Top 30 Books in Hugh Howey’s 2021 Self Published Science Fiction Contest. Kyoko M has appeared as a guest and panelist at such conventions as Geek Girl Con, DragonCon, Blacktasticon, Momocon, JordanCon, ConCarolinas, and MultiverseCon.

She is also a contributor to Marvel Comics’ Black Panther: Tales of Wakanda (2021) anthology and Marvel Comics’ Captain America: The Shield of Sam Wilson (2024 anthology).

Sarah Madsen

Sarah Madsen is an author, game designer, and ENNIE-winning editor. Her game design work can be found in Keys from the Golden Vault and Candlekeep Mysteries from Wizards of the Coast, Itza’s Guide to Dragonbonding from Draco Studios, The Citadel of the Unseen Sun and Pirates of the Aethereal Expanse from Ghostfire Games, Flee, Mortals! from MCDM, a plethora of books from Kobold Press, including Tome of Heros, Tome of Beasts III, Cities & Towns, and Wastes of Chaos, and many more.

Her cyberpunky urban fantasy novel, Weaver’s Folly, is available now from Falstaff Books. She is a member of SFWA.

In her spare time, she enjoys playing video games and RPGs of all types, and loves gin cocktails, fancy lattes, and romanceable NPCs. You can find her on Twitter (@UnfetteredMuse), Facebook ( and WordPress (

Hollis Jo McCollum

Hollis is a fantasy author, designer, podcaster, and all around silly person. She writes two different fantasy book series: The Raashan Series and the Lost Beacon Chronicles. She is a proud author with 21 Chieftans Press, a woman owned and operated New York indie publisher.

The Raashan Series is a classic epic fantasy series that begins with the world of Raashan in a state of post apocalyptic chaos in To Save a World. The characters are not only trying to find themselves in a world in turmoil, but when they encounter a strange wizard, they learn of a disquieting prophecy in which they bear a responsibility that none are ready to accept.

Spare the Swallow is the origin story of the Lost Beacon Chronicles, which is a historical fantasy series that follows the unwilling immortal, Lucretia, as she wanders the earth in search of her purpose. This series also delves into psychological themes as the different books in the series illustrate Lucretia’s emotional journey through the stages of grief and how they effect her.

The podcast I Do What I Want! is basically just Hollis talking through her personal writing journey, occasionally chatting with friends about books, sharing short stories, and her life as an author in general. It’s funny. You should listen.

She also collaborates with fellow fantasy author, Elara Dunn, on the podcast, The Banshee Energy Show! Wackiness ensues. It’s a WAIL of a good time!

Hollis designs most of her own book covers and page layouts, as well as occasionally designing covers for fellow authors, like the award winning poetry book Behind Her City Eyes by Sarah Erin.

Instagram – @hollisjomccollum
YouTube channel – @hollisjomccollumauthor 
Website –
Podcast – I Do What I Want!

Violette L Meier

Violette Meier is a happily married mother, writer, folk artist, poet, and native of Atlanta, Georgia, who earned her B.A. in English at Clark Atlanta University and a MDiv at the Interdenominational Theological Center. She is also a certified herbalist, a life coach, and an educator.

The great-granddaughter of a dream interpreter, Violette is a lover of all things supernatural and loves to write paranormal, fantasy, and horror. She is always working on something new.

Her books include: Out of Night, Angel Crush, Son of the Rock, Archfiend, Ruah the Immortal, Oracles, Tales of a Numinous Nature, Hags, Haints and Hoodoo, Loving and Living Life One Day at aTime, With All With My Being, Violette Ardor: A Volume of Poetry, This Sickness We Call Love: Poems of Love, Lust, and Lamentation, and two children’s books. You can also find her work in various anthologies. To learn more about Violette and her eerie antics, visit her website

Rey Nichols

Rey Nichols, a native of the Midwest, is the love child of an Eldritch horror with more apostrophes than letters in its name and the front person of a forgotten 80’s rock band she can’t quite remember the name of. Only two degrees away from Kevin Bacon, when Rey is not busy trying to evade capture from monster hunters, she spends her time writing urban fantasy and paranormal suspense.

Facebook: reynicholswriter
Instagram: @reynicholswriter

Jason Roach

Jason Roach is an American Writing Awards award-winning finalist in LGBT+ Fiction and thriller Fiction for his book The House on Dead Man’s Curve. He also owns and is the editor-in-chief of Gold Dust Publishing, a new indie publishing company for LGBTQIA+ and Ally authors. He has previously been a guest at GalaxyCon and ConCarolinas where he has given presentations on the paranormal. Originally from Statesville, NC, he now resides in Winston-Salem.,,

October K Santerelli

October K Santerelli is primarily a fantasy author and LGBTQ+ sensitivity reader who hails from the mountains of Denver, Colorado. Consuming stories of all types is his hobby, whether in books, movies, or more. His works span several genres and multiple forms of media, including novels, short stories, and comics in science fiction, fantasy, and historic romance. His works include CITY OF DAY, book one of the Nightfall series from Falstaff Publishing, and the novella GLIMMERS IN THE NIGHT. Being LGBTQ+ has allowed him to edit and sensitivity read for indie and traditional authors alike, and put his lived experiences into his works. Visit for more information.

Sarah J Sover

Sarah J. Sover writes comedic and urban fantasy. She’s the author of Double-Crossing the Bridge as well as the Fractured Fae series (Fairy Godmurder, Faed to Black, and the forthcoming Pixie Dusted) from Falstaff Books. Sarah’s short fiction has appeared in three of the JordanCon Anthologies, and she writes freelance articles for Writer’s Digest Magazine and Dan Koboldt’s Putting the Fact in Fantasy. Sarah has a degree in Biology, which she uses to thoroughly gross out speculative fiction readers. She’s the mother of two, including a 2023 Maiden of the Spear. When she’s not writing, Sarah is frequently plundering Hyrule, binging SFF shows, blues dancing, or indulging in an IPA.,

Mel Todd

Mel Todd has over 44 titles out, her urban science fiction Kaylid Chronicles, the Blood War series, and the Twisted Luck series. Owner of Bad Ash Publishing she is working to create a place for excellent stories and great authors. With over a two million words published, she is aiming for another million in the next two years. Bad Ash Publishing specializes in stories that will grab you and make you hunger for more. With one co-author, and more books in the works, her stories can be found on Amazon and other retailers.

You can follow her on Facebook at

You can also sign up for her newsletter and follow her blog at

R R Virdi

R.R. Virdi is a USA Today bestseller, 2 time dragon award finalist, and nebula award finalist. He is the author of The Grave Report urban fantasy series, and Tales of Tremaine, an epic fantasy series from TOR Books.

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