by Kevin A Davis | Jan 31, 2025 | Authors Workshop, Programming
What’s an Elevator Pitch?
An elevator pitch is a brief (30 second) way of expressing a story idea. It’s called an elevator pitch because it’s the time you’d spend on an elevator ride with someone. It might be what you’re working on, a story ready to sell, or a concept for upcoming work.
Bring your pitches to JordanCon, and we’ll have a panel of industry professionals ready to listen. They’ll be a good sounding board to find out if your 30 seconds is effective in grabbing their interest and relaying your idea. For writers, pitches are a skill to be learned.
We’re waiting to hear your pitch!
Tentatively planned for Saturday night at 2:30 p.m.
See what else we have planned at the Authors Workshop Track
by Kevin A Davis | Jan 10, 2025 | Authors Workshop, Programming
Write and Read Flash Fiction
Returning to the Authors Workshop Track at JordanCon 2025: Robby Hilliard leads a guided flash-fiction writing session on Saturday morning where prompts are provided! We’ll give you a short bit of time to put down some words, then you’ll read your story to your peers.
We love to see what comes from creatives!
Join us and let’s see what we come up with. Tentatively scheduled for 10 a.m. Saturday.
Don’t forget our Friday Night Workshop and our two Saturday Slush Panels – Read More
by Kevin A Davis | Oct 18, 2024 | Authors Workshop, Guests, Programming

This year the Authors Workshop Track will host one-on-one mentorships, and possibly even pitches, depending on the interest of the attending publishers.
During a one-hour session, we’ll offer a few fifteen-minute time slots for attendees to sit with an industry professional and discuss their career plans, story plots, or writing habits. As mentioned above, there might be pitch sessions. We’re sure this will be a new Authors Workshop Track favorite.
We’ll have a lot more information on this project as the weeks progress, and logistics will be key in getting guest preferences connected to attendee interest. Keep watching our blog and social media for sign-up forms because the early preparation will determine match-ups.
by Rhed Morgan | Mar 2, 2024 | Announcements, Programming
It’s March, and that means the JordanCon 2024 schedule is out! You can now start planning your panels for each day. Keep in mind the wheel is still weaving, so things may change between now and JordanCon.
You can find the schedule here:
For easy access, you can also download the Sched app, and the JordanCon schedule will be publicly available. If you want to customize it so you know what you plan to attend when, keep reading!
Mobile App
If you don’t already have Sched on your device, you should download it. Click Sign Up or Sign In, depending on if you created an account last year.

You’ll see a typical sign up page asking for name, email, and password.

Once you’re signed in, do a search for JordanCon and click on JordanCon 2024.

You’ll see this:

Tracks are color-coded so you know at a glance what track each panel is associated with. For example, above you see that Main Programming is lilac, Wheel of Time is pink, and Fantasy is light blue.
Now, to add a panel to My Sched (your personal to-do list), click on the box with the panel listing, and it opens up to this:

At the bottom, click Add to Sched. When you’ve added some events, you can click on My Sched and it will look something like this:

Now, if you want to easily navigate between days of JordanCon, you simply click the day whose schedule you want to see. That will take you to the top of the day’s events.

This feature works the same in My Sched.
Web Access
You can also access Sched via the web. Go to, and you’ll see this:

The blue arrows point to Sign up and log in.
The green arrow shows the color coding of the various tracks; you can also use this to filter!
The red arrow shows where you can change how the schedule appears. “Simple” is what appears above, with everything sorted by time. “Grid” sorts things into—you guessed it—a grid. “Expanded” shows all the details included in each listing, and “By Venue” sorts everything by where it’s located. If you want to attend a lot of Sanderson track panels, for example, you may want to sort By Venue, and that will show you what time each panel is.
When you sign up via web, you’ll have the option of signing up with Google, Facebook, or email.
Once you’re signed in, you’ll see circles next to every event. You can click that circle to mark it as to-attend, and a checkmark will appear next to it, as seen in the purple circles below.
In the bottom left, you’ll see how many panels or activities you have saved to My Schedule.

If you click My Schedule in the bottom left, you’re taken to your personalized agenda, and it looks like this:

Further Support
If you need any further info or support, you can check out Sched’s how-to page, here:
We can’t wait to see you in April!
by Kevin A Davis | Feb 1, 2024 | Announcements, Authors Workshop, Programming, Writer Workshop
Friday Night Writer’s Workshop
Writers – this is your event! Industry professionals and your peers will read and critique 1000 word submissions.
You’ll get together in small groups with a couple guests and a few peers in a casual setting. This is an awesome chance to not only get feedback on a few pages, but give it as well.
Space is limited, so get your submission in early. Word documents only, double-spaced with default margins and readable font, so we can print them out for each critique pod. One submission per person. If you must revise and resubmit, it will change your place in the queue. Plan half an hour per reading so this will be a late Friday event which can last two hours or more. We’ll cutoff submissions when we reach capacity.
Scheduled for 8:30 p.m. Friday April 19, 2024 (results may vary so check the schedule when you arrive).
Submit here
by Kevin A Davis | Jan 26, 2024 | Authors Workshop, Programming, Writer Workshop
The Author’s Workshops Track is running with two old favorites for the writers at JordanCon!
First, the Friday Night Workshop is back!
Writers, we’ll take your 1000 word or less submissions starting in February, and then in April we’ll meet up at JordanCon and get together with some professionals in the industry and our peers for a critique of your work.
It’s casual and fun! You’ll meet people and get some views on some of your writing.
Watch for a post next month where we open up submissions for this!
Second, Saturday Slush again!
Have 600 words or less read anonymously while industry professional give immediate feedback on stage. Terrifying? Maybe. Useful – beyond measure!
We’ll open up with a limited number of available slots in February after another announcement.
But wait, there’s more!
We’re going to work on Elevator Pitches! Bring a pitch, hit the professionals with it, and they’ll let you know how effective you were. We’re aiming for Saturday for this event as well.