by JordanCon Marketing | Mar 9, 2023 | Charity Auction, Uncategorized
It is my pleasure to announce that the 2023 JordanCon Charity Auction is live online. As we have in years before, we’re using The direct link is here. We will be adding additional items to the Auction as we receive donation submissions.
If you were already curious and went looking at the Auction page, you might notice we already have a number of items there for you to check out. Not a lot, but we’re hoping that will change in the very near future. “But Hopper,” you ask, “if I want to donate something to the Auction to help out, how would I go about doing that?” Well, my dear friends, we have a Google Form all set up so that you can tell us all about yourself and the items you’d like for us to have. For anyone who has donated in the past, you might notice the form only allows one item per submission. We had to do that to cut down on the back-of-house processing that was required to bring items from our submissions spreadsheet to the online auction.
I know there are a number of you who have already indicated you have some amazing items you’re planning to donate. If you’re ready to submit them, I’m sure we have people out there who are ready to start dreaming about budgeting and outbidding their best friends to own them.
If you do have something you’re donating that you’d rather not have to deal with packing in your luggage, please let me know and I’ll share a shipping address so that it gets here on time.
You may have also heard the Charities Division of JordanCon has been boosted to the Officer Level and now reports directly to our amazing Chair, Jennifer Liang. This is true, and as part of that change we’ve hired a new Charity Auctions Director, Larry Daniels. I am NOT just walking away from the Charity Auction. Larry, however, will give me the time and space to work on other events too.
I can’t wait to see you all in April.
by JordanCon Marketing | Mar 15, 2022 | Charity Auction
Hey, peeps!
As many of you may remember, last year JordanCon ran a fundraising event to offset the possibility that we wouldn’t be able to have a convention last year. We weren’t sure where we’d be in regards to our Covid situation and, because of the way things were in Georgia, had we found ourselves in the position to cancel the event, we’d have still been on the hook for all of the contracted expenses with the hotel. This would have included paying for the event space and all those hotel room nights that we wouldn’t have been using. Needless to say, that would have been bad.
As part of this fundraiser, donors were rewarded with a number of different reward levels. At the $400 or more level, donors were granted the ability to place a one-time bid on an item in the JordanCon 2022 Charity Auction after bids have closed. We would like to thank the 22 people who made that donation, and we have made the arrangements for them to make their last ditch bids. Each of them will be given a paper bid sheet with their name and one space for one bid on one item. We will then go in and manually enter their bids.
It is important to know that the way we have the Charity Auction set up allows for Proxy Bids. Just enter the maximum amount you wish to pay for this item. As other people bid on this item, 32auctions will bid for you up to your maximum amount. Your maximum bid amount will remain confidential unless you are outbid. This final, one-time bid, may cause some people to be outbid, or to have their bids increase to that final bid.
We are also making an additional change to the Charity Auction this year. Last year we noticed that there was a great deal of bidding action in the last minutes before the auction closed. Due to internet connection issues we couldn’t control, we had people unable to jump in at the last second to bump up their bids. What we’re doing this year is setting up the auction so that if there is a bid for any item in the last three minutes, the time for that item will be extended for 3 minutes. This could continue for up to 30 minutes past the official close of the auction.
So that we don’t force the Charity Auction/Dealers Hall/Art Show space to remain open much past the 7:00 pm closing time, we are moving the auction close time to 6:30 pm with a potential for some individual items to close as late as 7:00 pm. Once all items have closed, our late bidders will have the opportunity to provide their one last bid.
If you have any questions, please email the Charity team at
by ebbierowe | Mar 7, 2022 | Charity Auction, Engagement
Welcome to our New Member Monday post! We here at New Member Services want to let all those first-timers to JordanCon know about some of the things we have at the Con that you might want to know about. This week, we want to fill you in on our Charity Auction!!
As you may or may not know, JordanCon isn’t just an awesome Con featuring a lot of awesome Fantasy themed events and panels. JordanCon is also a 501(c)(4) charity organization. One of the ways we achieve and maintain this status is through our excellent Charity Auction.
It is a silent auction that begins accepting items for bid on Friday at the start of the Con. The auction itself runs all day on Saturday until that evening. On Sunday, all the winners will be able to come and pick up the item(s) they have won! With it being a silent auction, you and other Congoers can come by and bid on the many great, and sometimes one-of-a-kind, pieces that are donated each year at your leisure.
All of the proceeds from the Auction go to charity. You might be asking yourself, which charity does JordanCon give to? Usually, the proceeds are given to the Mayo Clinic to be used for research to treat Amyloidosis — the disease that took the life of Robert Jordan.
We have also given to other charities on special occasions. The year JordanCon family member Steve Godecke lost his battle with cancer, we gave the proceeds to the hospice care that took care of him in his final days.
For more information about the charity auction and the link to donate items, you can check out their blog post HERE or email them to
And keep an eye out for the #ChariTuesday post on the JordanCon Facebook Page!
With all this said, when you get to JordanCon, please take the time to come to the Silent Auction room and say hello to the Charity Auction staff and all of our great volunteers, and see what great things we have up for bids!
by JordanCon Marketing | Feb 17, 2022 | Charity Auction
As we’ve shared before, there were changes to the convention last year due to COVID-19 safety protocols. The Charity Auction did not escape these changes, and there are a few things you all should know about.
First, last year we moved back in with the Art Show and Dealers Hall. This will stay the same this year. We’re sharing a much bigger room, and you won’t be able to miss us when you enter. We’re the first thing you’ll see. You’ll have to come through us to get to the Art Show and the Dealers.
Secondly, the Charity Auction will have no paper bid sheets anywhere. We will be using to conduct all the bidding. The site for the JordanCon Charity Auction is here, and it’s currently available for browsing. Everything that has been submitted so far has already been set up on the website. There’s some amazing stuff in there, and we expect to be adding more items as we get closer. The auction will open on Saturday, April 23, at 10 am EDT.
It is NOT TOO LATE to submit items that you would like to donate. We only have a few items that have been submitted so far, so we’d be more than happy to see more come in. Please make any submissions to the JordanCon Charity Donation Submission Form. We will accept these submissions until April 16, 2022. Depending upon room available, we MAY be able to accept additional items on site, but this is not any kind of guarantee.
JordanCon WILL NOT SHIP ANY ITEMS. Only people in attendance may bid. The auction will require pre-approval for bidding, and that approval will be granted on site by the Charity Auction Staff. Members will need to request approval through and then come to the Charity Auction on site so that we can confirm attendance at the convention. Anybody not attending is welcome to make arrangements to find a proxy attending JordanCon to bid on, pay for, and pick up Auction items. JordanCon will not coordinate this. All items must be picked up Sunday before noon and again, JORDANCON WILL NOT SHIP.
Please understand that NONE of these items are guaranteed until they’ve been handed over to us. At this point, this is only what we’ve been told will be there. Any of these items may be pulled from the auction if they don’t make it to Atlanta.
We look forward to seeing you all in just a few weeks. And to help tide you over, here are a few items up for sale in this year’s Charity Auction! Enjoy.
![Two sealed packs of trading cards from The Wheel of Time collectible card game.](
Wheel of Time CCG – Starter Decks
![A photo of a dice cup with five dice each showing a number of pips between two and six.](
Mat’s Dice and Cup
![Pencil sketch of a fox skull in a wooden frame with a pencil above it for scale.](
Framed Fox Skull Sketch
by Jaymie Greenway | Jul 6, 2021 | Announcements, Charity Auction
As we’ve shared before, there have been a few changes to the Con this year due to our COVID-19 safety protocols. Charity Auction did not escape these changes. There are a few things you all should know about.
First, for this year at least, we’ve moved back in with the Art Show and Dealers Hall. We’re sharing a much bigger room, and you won’t be able to miss us when you enter. We’re the first thing you’ll see. You’ll have to come through us to get to the Art Show and the Dealers.
Secondly, the Charity Auction will have no paper bid sheets anywhere. We will be using to conduct all the bidding. The link for the JordanCon Charity Auction is Everything that has been submitted so far has already been set up on the website. Please feel free to browse the auction. There’s some amazing stuff in there and we expect to be adding more items as we get closer. The auction will open on Saturday, July 17, 2021, at 10 a.m. EDT.
It is NOT TOO LATE to submit more items that you would like to donate. Please make any submissions to the JordanCon Charity Donation Submission Form. We need these submissions by July 9, 2021.
JordanCon WILL NOT SHIP ANY ITEMS. Only people in attendance may bid. Anybody not attending is welcome to make arrangements to find a proxy attending JordanCon to bid on, pay for, and pick up Auction items. JordanCon will not coordinate this. All items must be picked up Sunday before noon and again, JORDANCON WILL NOT SHIP.
Please understand that NONE of these items are guaranteed until they’ve been handed over to us. At this point, this is only what we’ve been told will be there. Any of these items may be pulled from the auction if they don’t make it to Atlanta.
We look forward to seeing you all in just a few weeks. And to help tide you over, here are a few items up for sale in this year’s Charity Auction! Enjoy.