JordanCon 2019’s Final Results
Dearest JordanCon Family,
You’ve done it again and exceeded expectations in the grandest way possible. As we close the books, we wanted to share some of your successes that led to a JordanCon record-shattering donation.
This year’s chosen charity, Hospice of Mercy, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, received a total amount of $17,522 in honor of our brother, Steve Godecke.
#JCon2019 By the Numbers
JordanCon 2019 saw new records for member attendance (890), Charity Auction funds raised ($9,021), charity proceeds from the JordanCon 2019 Anthology “You Want Stories?” ($4,054), and other charity events ($1,879). The Art Show also achieved a 3-year goal and new record for charitable funds (10 percent of all Art Show sales totaling $2,567).
As we wrap up our fiscal year and look back at JordanCon 2019, we want to thank all of our members, staff, and officers for their time and generosity that contributed to a record-breaking year for charity. Our family is strong and generous, and none of this would be possible with all of you.
Tai’shar Godecke.