by Kevin A Davis | Jan 31, 2025 | Authors Workshop, Programming
What’s an Elevator Pitch?
An elevator pitch is a brief (30 second) way of expressing a story idea. It’s called an elevator pitch because it’s the time you’d spend on an elevator ride with someone. It might be what you’re working on, a story ready to sell, or a concept for upcoming work.
Bring your pitches to JordanCon, and we’ll have a panel of industry professionals ready to listen. They’ll be a good sounding board to find out if your 30 seconds is effective in grabbing their interest and relaying your idea. For writers, pitches are a skill to be learned.
We’re waiting to hear your pitch!
Tentatively planned for Saturday night at 2:30 p.m.
See what else we have planned at the Authors Workshop Track
by Kevin A Davis | Jan 10, 2025 | Authors Workshop, Programming
Write and Read Flash Fiction
Returning to the Authors Workshop Track at JordanCon 2025: Robby Hilliard leads a guided flash-fiction writing session on Saturday morning where prompts are provided! We’ll give you a short bit of time to put down some words, then you’ll read your story to your peers.
We love to see what comes from creatives!
Join us and let’s see what we come up with. Tentatively scheduled for 10 a.m. Saturday.
Don’t forget our Friday Night Workshop and our two Saturday Slush Panels – Read More
by Kevin A Davis | Oct 18, 2024 | Authors Workshop, Guests, Programming

This year the Authors Workshop Track will host one-on-one mentorships, and possibly even pitches, depending on the interest of the attending publishers.
During a one-hour session, we’ll offer a few fifteen-minute time slots for attendees to sit with an industry professional and discuss their career plans, story plots, or writing habits. As mentioned above, there might be pitch sessions. We’re sure this will be a new Authors Workshop Track favorite.
We’ll have a lot more information on this project as the weeks progress, and logistics will be key in getting guest preferences connected to attendee interest. Keep watching our blog and social media for sign-up forms because the early preparation will determine match-ups.
by Kevin A Davis | Sep 27, 2024 | Authors Workshop, Writer Workshop
Saturday Slush: 600 Words
This annual Authors Workshop Track event has proven so popular that we are expanding it to two sessions on Saturday so everyone gets a chance to be heard!
A moderator will read your work, up to 600 words, and professionals in the industry will give you valuable feedback on your writing. You can remain anonymous, or claim the response. This is a wonderful opportunity to tap into the wealth of experience from the amazing Guests who join us at JordanCon.
To organize and allow Guests an opportunity to prepare, submissions must be made prior to the event. Early birds will likely get on the roster to be read!
- No AI
- Word or Google doc
- Double-spaced
- No Author Names on pages
- Title on first page
- If this is not an opening, please identify – middle of book, ending, inciting incident, etc.
- Up to 600 words
- Use content warnings, if applicable
The first session begins at 11:30 a.m. Saturday and the second, at 1 p.m. We will contact you via email with information regarding your expected session time. A warning: if you are near the end of the list, we might not get to all of the slush reads. Sign up early!
Submission Guidelines and Form
by Kevin A Davis | Aug 17, 2024 | Authors Workshop, Writer Workshop
The Friday Night Writers’ Workshop: A 1000-Word Critique
This annual Authors Workshop Track event has been a writers’ favorite for years! Now-published authors have sat in this exact workshop to have their work reviewed by professionals and peers! The Friday Night Writers’ Workshop is a chance to have your writing discussed by industry professionals and peers in small groups.
To organize and allow Guests an opportunity to prepare, submissions must be made prior to the event.
- No AI
- Word or Google doc
- Double-spaced
- Title and name on first page
- Up to 1000 words
- Use content warnings, if applicable
The session begins at 8:30 p.m. Friday Night after the dinner break. We’ll meet for assignments then break out in our various groups for cozy locations around the hotel. This event tends to run for a couple of hours.
Submission Guidelines and Form