It’s March, and that means the JordanCon 2024 schedule is out! You can now start planning your panels for each day. Keep in mind the wheel is still weaving, so things may change between now and JordanCon.

You can find the schedule here:

For easy access, you can also download the Sched app, and the JordanCon schedule will be publicly available. If you want to customize it so you know what you plan to attend when, keep reading!

Mobile App

If you don’t already have Sched on your device, you should download it. Click Sign Up or Sign In, depending on if you created an account last year.

You’ll see a typical sign up page asking for name, email, and password.

Once you’re signed in, do a search for JordanCon and click on JordanCon 2024.

You’ll see this:

Tracks are color-coded so you know at a glance what track each panel is associated with. For example, above you see that Main Programming is lilac, Wheel of Time is pink, and Fantasy is light blue.

Now, to add a panel to My Sched (your personal to-do list), click on the box with the panel listing, and it opens up to this:

At the bottom, click Add to Sched. When you’ve added some events, you can click on My Sched and it will look something like this:

Now, if you want to easily navigate between days of JordanCon, you simply click the day whose schedule you want to see. That will take you to the top of the day’s events.

This feature works the same in My Sched.

Web Access

You can also access Sched via the web. Go to, and you’ll see this:

The blue arrows point to Sign up and log in.

The green arrow shows the color coding of the various tracks; you can also use this to filter!

The red arrow shows where you can change how the schedule appears. “Simple” is what appears above, with everything sorted by time. “Grid” sorts things into—you guessed it—a grid. “Expanded” shows all the details included in each listing, and “By Venue” sorts everything by where it’s located. If you want to attend a lot of Sanderson track panels, for example, you may want to sort By Venue, and that will show you what time each panel is.

When you sign up via web, you’ll have the option of signing up with Google, Facebook, or email.

Once you’re signed in, you’ll see circles next to every event. You can click that circle to mark it as to-attend, and a checkmark will appear next to it, as seen in the purple circles below.

In the bottom left, you’ll see how many panels or activities you have saved to My Schedule.

If you click My Schedule in the bottom left, you’re taken to your personalized agenda, and it looks like this:

Further Support

If you need any further info or support, you can check out Sched’s how-to page, here:

We can’t wait to see you in April!

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