Not to toot our own Horn of Valere, but every year JordanCon brings you some pretty amazing guests. Well, 2022 will be no exception. To make sure you’re prepared for all of the wonderful talents, our very own JordanCon experts—Thom DeSimone and Aleena Jack—have put together some amazing interviews for your viewing pleasure.

How can you watch these?

Well, there are several on our YouTube channel right now. You can click this link and see our interview with 2022 Author Guest of Honor Faith Hunter as well as many others.

But wait, there’s more! Quite a few more, in fact. And we’ll be releasing them in waves all the way up until con! So subscribe to our YouTube channel, like our Facebook page, follow our Instagram, and find us on Twitter to get each and every interview update as they happen!

If you don’t do social media, check out the featured guest pages on our site to read more about each guest and see the videos of their interviews on their pages as they’re uploaded.

And if you like these interviews, please let us know here, or at any of the links listed above, and tell us if you’d like us to continue these in years to come.

See you all in April!


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