As we’ve shared before, there were changes to the convention last year due to COVID-19 safety protocols. The Charity Auction did not escape these changes, and there are a few things you all should know about.

First, last year we moved back in with the Art Show and Dealers Hall. This will stay the same this year. We’re sharing a much bigger room, and you won’t be able to miss us when you enter. We’re the first thing you’ll see. You’ll have to come through us to get to the Art Show and the Dealers.

Secondly, the Charity Auction will have no paper bid sheets anywhere. We will be using to conduct all the bidding. The site for the JordanCon Charity Auction is here, and it’s currently available for browsing.  Everything that has been submitted so far has already been set up on the website. There’s some amazing stuff in there, and we expect to be adding more items as we get closer. The auction will open on Saturday, April 23, at 10 am EDT.

It is NOT TOO LATE to submit items that you would like to donate. We only have a few items that have been submitted so far, so we’d be more than happy to see more come in. Please make any submissions to the JordanCon Charity Donation Submission Form.  We will accept these submissions until April 16, 2022.  Depending upon room available, we MAY be able to accept additional items on site, but this is not any kind of guarantee.

JordanCon WILL NOT SHIP ANY ITEMS. Only people in attendance may bid. The auction will require pre-approval for bidding, and that approval will be granted on site by the Charity Auction Staff.  Members will need to request approval through and then come to the Charity Auction on site so that we can confirm attendance at the convention. Anybody not attending is welcome to make arrangements to find a proxy attending JordanCon to bid on, pay for, and pick up Auction items. JordanCon will not coordinate this. All items must be picked up Sunday before noon and again, JORDANCON WILL NOT SHIP.

Please understand that NONE of these items are guaranteed until they’ve been handed over to us. At this point, this is only what we’ve been told will be there. Any of these items may be pulled from the auction if they don’t make it to Atlanta.

We look forward to seeing you all in just a few weeks. And to help tide you over, here are a few items up for sale in this year’s Charity Auction! Enjoy.


Two sealed packs of trading cards from The Wheel of Time collectible card game.

Wheel of Time CCG – Starter Decks


A photo of a dice cup with five dice each showing a number of pips between two and six.

Mat’s Dice and Cup


Pencil sketch of a fox skull in a wooden frame with a pencil above it for scale.

Framed Fox Skull Sketch



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