JordanCon 2021 passed in a blur of activities and gatherings and digital content, along with a few minor hiccups. The Workshop Track refuses to let the fun fade away too quickly. To continue our digital experience, we have two more panels to present. Lovely teachers not able to join us this year in person shared their expertise in other ways. 

Glass Aes Sedai Trinket box

Glass Aes Sedai Trinket box

The first is from master glass artist Leia Powell. She generously shares her skill in showing us how to build a glass trinket box. The box showcases the ancient symbol of the Aes Sedai. Along the way she shares bits of information about the history of stained glass. JordanCon 2022 attendees will have the opportunity to meet Leia in person and buy some of her amazing works in the dealers room. She occasionally teaches live workshops as well, but as of this moment, the spots are filled by the students who signed up for the 2020 workshops which were put on hold along with so many other matters. Meanwhile, follow her store on Facebook at: Wildcat Mountain Artistry or on Etsy at Geeky Stained Glass


The second presentation is a discussion between the costuming expert Linda Taglieri and Workshop Director Deana Whitney. Members of the Wheel of Time fandom might know Linda from her celebrated blog The 13th Depository. JordanCon regulars know her as one of our favorite Aussies and the creator of many amazing Wheel of Time inspired dolls. Linda and Deana discuss the clothing in the Wheel of time with an emphasis on split skirts. There are reasons Jordan showed the ladies smoothing their skirts so often. Linda and Dean shared some related split skirt images in this folder

Enjoy these videos along with the other content on the JordanCon YouTube channel. 

Video: Glass Aes Sedai Trinket box by Leia Powell
Video: Smoothing Skirts and Other Clothing Matters in the Wheel of Time with Linda Taglieri

As always if you have a suggestion for a workshop you would like to see or to teach at JordanCon, please send an email to: Workshop (at) We love bringing a mix of crafts and lessons to our members. The schedule for JordanCon 2022 is already in the works. If you are interested in sharing your work via the written word, rather than teaching a live class, drop us a line as well. 

Almost every type of artwork or skill is welcome. Some we can’t teach due to limits of space and safety. Maybe a written brewing class would work for the JordanCon blog, but hotel rules and a streak of bad luck for our brewing teachers have sadly placed it on a short list of “We can’t do that” classes. Along with knife throwing and fire juggling. Sorry to the Mat Cauthon cosplayers. Until next time JordanCon, keep crafting! 

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