In honor of International Women’s Day, JordanCon is proud to announce our Women of the WoT’Mere Fan Favorites Contest! The first ever bracket is set. We tallied your nominations and used your input to create match-ups for 16 of the most amazing female characters from “The Wheel of Time” and the Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere.

Between them, Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson created some of the strongest, most inspirational female characters out there. This is a chance to celebrate your favorite female characters, so let’s keep it positive. We’re not asking who is ‘strongest’ or who would win in a fight. We just want to know who your favorite female character is so we can celebrate the great women of the WoT’Mere. Comments gushing about what you love most are highly encouraged!

Voting takes place daily on Facebook and Twitter. You can view the full bracket (featuring top nominees and their rankings of 1-16) here:…/1uB2uxMUyznK8NrrcPAVrwaIra-…/edit…

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